Coralie cousin,
Physical therapist for musicians

Ecole normale de musique de Paris is particularly concerned with the good physical health of its students and reminds you of the presence within the school of Coralie Cousin.
A physiotherapist specializing in musicians’ health, she is present every Thursday in Salle Samson François.
Her consultation is free for the students, being part of your school program.
If you’re a musician suffering from stiffness, fatigue, a feeling of heaviness and loss of dexterity, Coralie Cousin offers her guidance and a preliminary diagnosis.
She will also help you find solutions to eliminate physical pain and be able to carry on practising your instrument.
• Individual consultations in French, English or Spanish
• Thursday from 9am to 4pm
• Room « Samson François » in the basement
• Make an appointment by texting to 06 61 88 56 75, specifying which slot is most convenient to you.
You will then be notified by DOCTOLIB to validate your appointment.
Further information about Coralie Cousin on her website :