Le Cercle des Mécènes
The École Normale de Musique de Paris – Alfred Cortot warmly thanks the members of its Cercle des Mécènes and its donors, as well as those who wished to remain anonymous.

Xavier Moreno MRN Invest
Monsieur Abay Sarsenov
Fondation Malvina et Denise Menda
Fondation Sylvaine Pillet
Monsieur et Madame Alain et Marie-Hélène Joly
Madame Marie-Laure Jousset
Monsieur Pâris Mouratoglou

Académie des Beaux-Arts
Fondation André Boucourechliev
Fondation Evesque-Huber
Fondation Clarence Westbury
Fondation Polycarpe
Fondation Pomena
Monsieur Patrick Masure
Monsieur et Madame Eric Michelet
Madame Jacqueline Sibuet
Monsieur et Madame Thieblin
Association Assophie
Monsieur Loïc Bonnat
Monsieur et Madame Romain et Catherine Durand
Monsieur Yves Gardette
Madame Sophie Gasperment
Monsieur François Henrot
Monsieur Ian Howat
Monsieur et Madame Bernard Irion
Monsieur Patrice de Laage de Meux
Monsieur et Madame Philippe et Marie Louise Lagayette
Monsieur Jean-François Lepetit
Monsieur François Rougnon
Comité Roussel
Monsieur Philippe Agid
Monsieur Frédéric BASSINOT
Madame Christine de Bellefonds
Monsieur et Madame Michel et Catherine Carlier
Madame Jeanne Clément
Madame Marie-Nicole Cromback
Monsieur Guillaume De Séverac
Monsieur Michel Denis
Monsieur Benoît Deschamps
Monsieur et Madame Robert et Joëlle du Périer
Fondation Artenetra
Monsieur Patrick FEAU
Fondation Goelands
Monsieur Frédéric Gagey
Monsieur Jean Garbois
Monsieur et Madame Goossens
Monsieur Christophe Gravereaux
Monsieur et Madame François et Françoise Jourdain
Monsieur Richard de la Baume
Monsieur et Madame Bernard et Sylvie de Lattre
Monsieur Georges Liebert †
Monsieur Hervé Machenaud
Monsieur Jérôme Magnin
Monsieur et Madame Jovelino et Carmo Mineiro
Madame Florence Parly
Monsieur Gérard Pfauwadel et Madame Charmaine Donnelly
Monsieur Philippe Pontet
Monsieur Antoine Prot
Monsieur Thierry Psaume
Monsieur Philippe Sorret
Monsieur et Madame Hubert et Danielle Tardieu
Madame Claudine Theodore
Monsieur et Madame Tuffal-Quidet
Cercle des Entreprises
Altran Technologies
CEO2CEO Consulting
JLB Conseils
Yamaha Music Group
Banque Hottinguer
Buffet Crampon
Société Thuasne Management
Madame Claude Amzallag
Monsieur Luc Alexandre
Madame Isabelle Bouteillet
Monsieur Luc Domergue
Monsieur Robert Jousset-Drouhin
Monsieur Alain Leon
Monsieur Roger Porsolt
*Since 2019, the Fondation Minou Amir-Aslani-Institut de France has awarded a scholarship to two students at the École Normale de Musique de Paris.
Minou Amir-Aslani, who was born in Tehran in 1935 and died in Paris in 2010, was driven from an early age by a passion for classical music, to which she remained faithful throughout her life. At an early age, she learned to play the piano, which she practiced at a high level. She was particularly fond of the works of Franz Liszt.
A woman of conviction and commitment, she worked tirelessly throughout her life, spent mainly in Iran, Germany and France, to promote open-mindedness and access to education, particularly musical education. For her, education was the only answer to all forms of intolerance, and she saw music as the universal language par excellence, the only one capable of bringing all peoples together.
It was therefore always close to her heart to support the teaching of music throughout the world.